The Cadillac Jacks St. Valentine’s Day Blackjack Massacre is back! Listen to Q 92.3 for your chance to win your share of $10,000 in cash & prizes!
How to qualify: starting Monday, January 6th, listen to Q 92.3 weekdays between 7-8am & 3-4pm for your chance to qualify you & a guest in the St. Valentine’s Day Blackjack Massacre at Cadillac Jacks on Saturday, February 15th.
Each qualifier & guest will receive $10 in free play to Cadillac Jacks when they check in at the Blackjack Tournament on February 15th.
Each Q 92.3 qualifier & guest can win these prizes:
- 1st place: $5,000 cash
- 2nd place: $2,000 cash
- 3rd place: $750*
- 4th place: $650*
- 5th place: $550*
- 6th place: $450*
*Prize will be paid half cash & half Promo Chips
Good luck from Classic Hits Q 92.3!
*****must be 21 to participate